Prohibited Products

e360 Mart expects all vendors/users to comply rigidly to the Terms of Use, rules, policies and applicable laws.

Below are goods and services that are banned on our platform:

  1. Weapons
  2. Stolen items
  3. Military and police items that are prohibited
  4. Human parts or organs
  5. Any pirated material
  6. Code grabbing and lock picking devices
  7. Any equipment prohibited by the law
  8. Sexually aligned businesses and services
  9. Money transactions including cryptocurrency and loans
  10. Business related to pyramid scheme, matrix and multi-level marketing
  11. Home based businesses
  12. Network marketing
  13. Narcotics, steroids, and any drugs or medications that require a prescription from a licensed medical specialist
  14. Products (goods or services) prohibited to sell by the law, in particular:
  • The National Agency for Food & Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) is responsible for regulating various goods in Tanzania including food, processed foods, water soft drinks, spirit drinks, medical devices drugs drug products cosmetics chemicals agrochemicals pesticides veterinary drugs among others. These items must be registered with NAFDAC or other relevant authorities before they can legally enter the marketplace. Additionally some specific types of merchandise are banned altogether under certain circumstances as determined by applicable legislation within Tanzania's borders; therefore it's crucial that sellers familiarize themselves thoroughly with all pertinent laws governing their industry before attempting to distribute any such products commercially within this country.
  • In addition, there may also exist quality standards set forth by law which require adherence from manufacturers seeking entry into Tanzanian markets - failure to meet these criteria could result in rejection at customs checkpoints or legal action against violators if discovered later on during routine inspections conducted by regulatory bodies like NAFDAC. Therefore it is essential for businesses operating here to ensure full compliance with all necessary requirements prior to launching new product lines or engaging in sales activities involving restricted substances or substandard merchandise.
  • Overall, ensuring proper registration/approval processes have been completed along with meeting required quality benchmarks will help prevent costly mistakes while promoting consumer safety simultaneously – both key factors contributing positively towards long term success within Tanzania's dynamic commercial landscape!
  • Tanzanian law prohibits the sale of any goods that claim to treat or prevent diseases, disorders or abnormal physical states. Similarly trophies and wildlife specimens such as ivory artifacts are also banned from being traded under applicable legislation in Tanzania. This includes pangolin parts too.

If you come across any ads promoting prohibited items, don't hesitate to report them by emailing e360 Mart at